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Prime Seafood is proud to export high quality seafood to the most demanding markets worldwide. Since its inception, we are committed to promote a sustainable environment for all fishing activities, applying rigorous criteria to the entire chain to deliver food safety to consumers.

For the seafood business, the concept of sustainability consists of a set of environmental and social responsibilities, together with economic viability. In addition, we take great care in each production stage. The raw material used by Prime comes from artisanal, small-scale fishing, contributing to the socioeconomic development of communities that have captured fish for generations. All vessels that supply raw materials comply with fishing and environmental legislation, showing our commitment on fighting illegal and unreported fishing (IUU fishing).


In addition, Prime sponsors and coordinates a FIP (Fishing Improvement Project) in Brazil, reinforcing its policy of respect and cooperation with environmental legislation, as well as sustainable development of fishing activities. All these actions show Prime’s commitment to meet high ESG standards and to continue delivering the best seafood to consumers all over the world.

All rights reserved by Prime. LGPD and GDPR 

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